Photo Gallery


This is me (in the middle) and my good buddies Nina and Autumn at a Queen Contest... aww.. so cute...


This is me and my mom. I put it here, not because it's flattering to either of us, but because she's mad cuz she's never in my pics. She is now though, so it's all good.


My cousin Katie and I... we always have so much fun together. This was.. Thanksgiving/our birthdays if my memory serves me correctly.


Travis, my brother, being his crazy self. Oh and that's my sister in the back ground.


Micah J. and I at the Ethel Queen Contest. We were practicing for the real thing. Actually, my mom made us take a picture.

Welcome graphic

That's Autumn and I on Halloween.. we were twins.. we confused SO many people, it was a great time.


That's my sis, Jill, and Dad, at my sis and bro-in-law's wedding. Awww... so sweet..



Those are the Lakers. Look how big Shaq's feet are. They take up like half the floor. 


Curtis, at Casa Bonita in Colorado.. We had a food fight, they hated us there. lol


That's my buddy Amber, all smiles as usual.

hey, some of these are cool, some are awesome, and some are just intense. oh, and some have no purpose, they're just there.


I used to be so cute.. I wonder what happened!?


Autumn, and Nina there in the back ground.